Healing Journaling: Writing in the Presence of God

Healing journaling is meeting yourself and God on the page through your most intimate reflections. Journaling can be a form of prayer, a true spiritual practice, when approached with intention. It can help you:

Develop your relationship with God
Understand yourself better
Foster your personal development and growth
Discover your wounds so that they can be healed
Find and develop your personal voice
…and so much more!

This 26-page workbook guides you through five healing journaling practices, with tips for how to incorporate them into your life. Gain encouragement and practical tips for starting or developing this practice for intimacy with the Lord and with your own heart.

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.” -Jeremiah 29:12-14

Digital download (PDF). 26 pages.