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New e-book! Healing Journaling: Writing in the Presence of God

I’m so excited to share a new resource with you! Now available for digital download is Healing Journaling: Writing in the Presence of God.

Journaling has been a practice of mine since I was a child. My mother still gifts me the most beautiful journals for my birthday, and I wonder if she prays over them before giving them to me, because I always end up experiencing beautiful revelations through the journaling I do in them.

Healing journaling is meeting yourself and God on the page through your most intimate reflections. Journaling can be a form of prayer, a true spiritual practice, when approached with intention. It can help you:

Develop your relationship with God

Understand yourself better

Foster your personal development and growth

Discover your wounds so that they can be healed

Find and develop your personal voice

…and so much more!

This 26-page resources guides you through five healing journaling practices, with tips for how to incorporate them into your life. You’ll gain encouragement and practical tips for starting or developing this practice, which will help you strengthen your connection with God and with your own heart.

I suggest using this resource to create mini retreats for yourself. Each journaling practice is so rich that you could spend a month working on it and discovering new things! Starting slow is probably your best bet, however – so take each practice and carve out some self-care time for it, even if that’s just 20 minutes in the morning before the day’s responsibilities and demands set in. Really be present and work the practice – and let it work you.

Here’s a brief excerpt from one of the practices in the book:

God is presence. God is always listening. God is all-compassionate, the very definition of love. You can tell God anything. God is a redemptive power—through his son Jesus, he proved his power to transform every place of darkness into light and life. No matter how dark your darkness, you can invite the light of God into it and that redemptive power of transformation will go to work, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17)—freedom from addictions, trauma, abuse, brokenheartedness, the weight of sorrow, sickness, hopelessness, fear, and separation. When you open your heart to connect with God, by faith in his Son, the Holy Spirit will be there.

What do you need to tell God today? If you could have a little chat with God (and you can!), what would you say? What have you been carrying that is too heavy for you?

Lay it all down on the page, knowing that God hears you.

To purchase Healing Journaling, please visit here.

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.” -Jeremiah 29:12-14