Browse Tag by personal growth
Chronic Illness, Communities of Care, Disability, Facing Challenge, Healing, Peace, Personal Growth, Resilience, Trauma, Wellness

Three Lies We Tell About Health & Healing

While in community recently, I had the eye-opening opportunity to witness many misconceptions about healing and the healing process. Sadly, many so-called healers even hold these beliefs, and perpetuate them to their clients and the broader community. I decided to share these misconceptions here and also share what I’ve learned to be true.

Misconception #1: “If you live with a disease, you are unhealthy. If you are physically “well,” you are healthy.

Health is more than the absence of disease. You might have heard this statement before, or seen it floating around the internet. It’s worth reflecting on. Health is more than just being free of disease in the physical body, and it’s not a one-time event that happens and lasts forever. Health is the sum of all the factors of our lives that intersect and form our well-being. How are your relationships? Do you feel held in community? Are you fulfilled and satisfied with how you spend your days? Are your material needs being met? How are you treated in the broader society in which you live? Do you reside in a safe and supportive environment? Do you live in a state of chronic stress? What is your relationship to your past; are you living in unforgiveness or bitterness?

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Affirmations, all i ever wrote, Art as Devotion, Digital Offerings, Facing Challenge, Faith, Grief, Love, Mindfulness, Peace, Personal Growth, Poetry, Prayer, Resilience, Self-care, Spiritual Practice, Spirituality, Uncategorized

New Offering: Affirmations & Prayers for Empowerment and Solace

Affirmations and Prayers for Empowerment and Solace by Tiffany Nicole Fletcher

It’s my joy to share this new digital download, Affirmations and Prayers for Empowerment and Solace.

This 26-page PDF contains the personal affirmations that have kept me afloat through all kinds of seasons. There are affirmations and prayers for grounding, blessing, self-compassion, navigating grief and sorrow, embodying power, calling in help, blessing, abundance, and protection. One of the themes threaded throughout the affirmations is embodied safety – body as home, as safe home – which makes them particularly soothing for survivors of trauma.

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all i ever wrote, Grief, Healing, Personal Growth, Poetry, Publication Announcement, Resilience

“The Process” featured in Snapdragon: A Journal of Art & Healing

I am excited to share that my poem “The Process” is featured in the Fall 2021 issue of Snapdragon: A Journal of Art & Healing.

This year Snapdragon Journal has been focusing on grief, including how it shapes us and how we move through it. The fall issue centers on bargaining, the third phase of the stages of grief as outlined by ‎Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

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all i ever wrote, Art as Devotion, Facing Challenge, Faith, Healing, Peace, Personal Growth, Poetry, Prayer, Psalms project, Resilience, Self-care, Spiritual Practice, Video

Video: Poetry as Prayer // Tools for Challenging Times

Hello friends! I was recently invited to share a reflection with the One Boat: International Chaplaincy for Covid Times community. My talk is called “Poetry as Prayer: Tools for Resilience in Challenging Times.” I discussed poetry as a form of prayer, as demonstrated by the Psalms, which provide a rich example of not only emotional and artistic expression, but profound and life-changing intimacy with God.

I share other examples of poetic expression as prayer (and as a way to cope with life’s challenges) and give some quick tips on how to venture into the practice.

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Peace, Personal Growth, Self-care, Spiritual Practice, Spirituality

Dancing with Fear

photo by Aperture Vintage

Everyone is dancing with fear right now. It’s unavoidable; it’s in the atmosphere; it’s a constant thread woven through the media reports we’re consuming to stay informed; and having fear is understandable given the haphazard, disorganized government response to the coronavirus in the U.S.

But the challenge of this pandemic is also presenting us with an opportunity – the opportunity to develop as skillful a relationship as we can with fear. If we can do that, we’ll have a strength and skill that we can continue to make use of even when this crisis is over. Here are some of my suggestions for how to do it:

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