Browse Tag by soul work
Contemplative Practice, Emotional Support, Facing Challenge, Grief, Healing, Mindfulness, Peace, Personal Growth, Resilience, Self-care, Spiritual Practice

Married to Amazement: The Gift of Curiosity

Artist: Henri-Edmond Cross

My friends tell me that I ask great questions. It’s no wonder that I became someone who asks questions as a healing practice.

The truth is I’m just endlessly curious. I love learning about people, about life, and especially about spiritual things. That’s probably why I read so much.

Recently, it occurred to me that I could intentionally use curiosity as an approach to problems and challenges.

So much of life is mystery, isn’t it? How do you face the mystery of life? The issues, questions, challenges? I don’t know about you, but the mysterious makes me curious, and curiosity is at least a much more interesting approach to the mystery of life than fear.

Curiosity used in this way might look like:

  • an openness of heart
  • an open-mindedness to the experience of life
  • a continuing acknowledgment of all that you don’t know; living from a place of humility
  • a willingness to be surprised by life
  • a willingness to be patient with yourself and with life’s complexity

Poet Rainer Maria Rilke wrote,

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Affirmations, all i ever wrote, Art as Devotion, Digital Offerings, Facing Challenge, Faith, Grief, Love, Mindfulness, Peace, Personal Growth, Poetry, Prayer, Resilience, Self-care, Spiritual Practice, Spirituality, Uncategorized

New Offering: Affirmations & Prayers for Empowerment and Solace

Affirmations and Prayers for Empowerment and Solace by Tiffany Nicole Fletcher

It’s my joy to share this new digital download, Affirmations and Prayers for Empowerment and Solace.

This 26-page PDF contains the personal affirmations that have kept me afloat through all kinds of seasons. There are affirmations and prayers for grounding, blessing, self-compassion, navigating grief and sorrow, embodying power, calling in help, blessing, abundance, and protection. One of the themes threaded throughout the affirmations is embodied safety – body as home, as safe home – which makes them particularly soothing for survivors of trauma.

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all i ever wrote, Grief, Healing, Personal Growth, Poetry, Publication Announcement, Resilience

“The Process” featured in Snapdragon: A Journal of Art & Healing

I am excited to share that my poem “The Process” is featured in the Fall 2021 issue of Snapdragon: A Journal of Art & Healing.

This year Snapdragon Journal has been focusing on grief, including how it shapes us and how we move through it. The fall issue centers on bargaining, the third phase of the stages of grief as outlined by ‎Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

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Facing Challenge, Healing, Nature, Peace, Personal Growth, Resilience, Self-care, Spiritual Practice, Spirituality, Wellness

Rooted in the Source: Spiritual Connection and Resilience

One of the most important things you can do right now is to locate your true Source and keep drinking from that well. In “normal” (non-pandemic) times, we enter into our relationships and lean on each other to varying degrees, ebbing and flowing in that way based on who has energy to give, the dynamics of our relationships, how we manage stress, etc. But in these times, everyone is under intense, chronic stress in different ways. Everyone is a pot leaking water, and you are a pot leaking water, too – so if you need to truly be refilled and replenished like never before, you can’t look to another leaking pot. You have to go back to the water source.

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Facing Challenge, Personal Growth, Self-care, Spiritual Awakening

The Crucible: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Experience is Like the Spiritual Awakening Process

Yesterday I had the realization that many aspects of this COVID-19 pandemic experience are similar to what it’s like to go through the process of spiritual awakening.

To be called into a spiritual awakening usually entails finding yourself in some kind of retreat from the world you’ve known. As you go deeper into the process, there are periods where you can feel like you’ve been closed off in a solitary interior room, for a time frame that you have no control over. Some people are actually physically isolated from others during the process, whether by leaving a familiar community, loss of relationships, or by undergoing a drastic change in life direction. Sometimes illness is the cause of this retreat from “normal life.” The temporary isolation is necessary and protective.

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