all i ever wrote, Art as Devotion, Facing Challenge, Faith, Healing, Publication Announcement, Resilience

“The Woman with the Issue” featured in Heart of Flesh Literary Journal

So happy to announce that my poem “The Woman with the Issue” is featured in Heart of Flesh Literary Journal‘s Issue Seven, released today.

This poem is a reflection on Luke 8:43-48, the story of the woman with the issue of blood. It’s a poem about difficulty and despair, daring faith, relentless hope, relationship, and healing.

Heart of Flesh is a Christian journal, describing its mission as “to spark honest and real conversations about Christ, faith, doubt, and other Biblical themes and people. Jesus is not boring. The Bible is not tame or timid. We want these topics to ignite a passion displayed in words and art from both Christians (of all denominations) and non-believers who are heavily influenced by Christianity.”

Thank you to Veronica McDonald, founder and editor of Heart of Flesh, for selecting my poem to be part of this moving and thought-provoking issue!